
Over the years I have breed many species of bird, including canary’s, parakeets and Conures as well as many varieties of finches

Gouldian’s can be difficult and experience with other finches can be an advantage

In my experience it’s down to the individual to decide on cage or aviary (flight). I do both with success in both options

Obviously you have more control cage breeding if you are looking to produce particular colouring

The first and most important thing is to make sure the birds are fully moulted and at least twelve months old

Once you have your birds fully moulted they need to be prepared for breeding, I do this by extending their time in day light and introducing different foods into their dies (as described in feeding) I find cress mixed with egg food is a good conditioner and I alsi add crated cuttlefish bone

There is no right way or wrong way to breed Gouldian finches. I do not use foster birds; all my birds are parent reared.

Indicators that tell if Gouldian finches are coming into breeding condition can include a darkening of the beak colour on the hen which will deepen to a dark charcoal shade. Hens will also become a lot more vocally active; they will tweet a lot more as they call out for any potential partners. Cock birds will spend a lot more time singing and will approach hens with beak wiping on the perch before narrowing their gaze upon her and singing. If kept cocks in same flights before pairing for breeding you might witness cock birds practicing this behaviour on each other as they coming into breed condition.

Various types of nest boxes can be used by Gouldian’s, a few examples shown below


Colony breeding

For colony breeding:

  • Birds can chose their own mate. Many believe this makes a stronger pair bond that leads to better breeding.
  • Other birds (juveniles and adults) in the aviary are known to sometimes feed fledged chicks. This can help take some of the pressure off of all the parent birds who may be preparing for another round of chicks.

With an aviary you only need to supply one fresh water and replace/check/top up one lot bird food a day. Also maintaining cleanliness in one aviary flight is a lot easier